Is my man's opinion of my hair really that important?

Is my man's opinion of my hair really that important?


Is my man's opinion of my hair really that important?

Well, I'm one of those people who love to conversate on relationships and topics that do come up in relationships.  I  want to take a look at this particular topic because, as women we constantly change our hair.  So, lets address this question.  Is my man's opinion of my hair that important?

It shouldn't be, but let's be real it is!  One of the beauties we as women have is changing it up   We can straighten our natural hair, or we can wear it curly and we as women love to look and feel beautiful for ourselves first and foremost and that should always be at the forefront, which is to be happy with ourselves first. 

Now, lets be real, we want to look good for our man also, right?  So, yes, how we style our hair can be influenced by what our man likes at times.  Is their anything wrong with that?  No, in relationships we meet each other half way and if their is a particular style my man (husband) likes, then I have no problem wearing, or styling my hair in that particular style, because chances are I already love the style he loves anyway. 

After all in any successful relationship you have to have open communication and understand who you all are and what you all need in a relationship.  I added that last part in as a bonus from my experience in my marriage and what we've learned (hubby and I) to help our marriage be successful.  Communication communication is key..

So, I want to hear your thoughts on this topic.  Is your man's opinion of your hair that important? 

 Also, checkout our products under the products section and try our products.  Your hair will love these products.




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